[T/W] 9 yr old boy found dead after stepmother locks him in a suitcase

**T/W** Article details graphic child abuse
Source: SBS

A 9 yr old boy has died after being discovered unconscious by police in a suitcase. 

According to a report by SBS on the 4th, the child was rescued by police at his house in Seongbuk-gu, Cheonan, South Chuncheong Province at around 7pm on the 1st. He was rushed to the hospital but failed to regain consciousness and died at 6:30pm on the 3rd. 

On the evening of the last day, when group A (9) was transferred to the hospital, mother B (far right).  Yonhap News TV

Police revealed that A had been locked in a 50x70 cm suitcase for 7 hours when he was discovered at his home. During investigations, it was revealed that he had been locked in another smaller 44x60 cm suitcase for 3 hours but was moved to the other suitcase after he defecated [pooped on himself]. 

Stepmother B told police, "I left him in the suitcase and went out for 3 hours. He lied to me about breaking his game console so I was disciplining him."

The stepson A had reportedly been treated for a head injury on Childrens Day at a hospital last month on the 5th. Stepmother B partially admitted to abusing him stating, "I hit him because he didn't listen."

Police will conduct an autopsy on A's body to find out the exact cause of death. 

In the meantime, police have filed child abuse homicide charges against stepmother B.

Knight image
  1. [+3,876, -23] Hul~Poor kid..he went to a better place. I hope he's able to rest in peace
  2. [+3,656, -362] Where is the dad???! What was he doing when he was getting suffocated like that??
  3. [+3,058, -10] I'm waking up to seeing this devil on my TV. Our law is too soft that's why this keeps happening. What a pitiful child..
  4. [+266, -0] Why didn't she just kill him right away? It's not 70 minutes, but seven hours that he was locked in that dark suitcase? I can't imagine how horrible and painful that must've been for him crying alone, looking for his mother and just enduring it. I'm sure a lot of kids are being abused right now. Kids..I'm so sorry. Please let's revise the law. Please... Please.
  5. [+243, -3] If the child protection agency had handled it accordingly last month when the child abuse was reported he wouldn't have had to endure something like this. Why didn't they monitor him at least if they had to let him stay with her. I see cases like this all the time but our laws always fails us.
  6. [+242, -3] I hate the father even more here. He tried to build a new family with a demon woman like her and in the end couldn't protect one of his kids..
  7. [+134, -2] Looking at her body, this fat pig does is not fit for the death penalty. Take her to the slaughterhouse instead..
Additional source: (1) (2) 

[T/W] 9 yr old boy found dead after stepmother locks him in a suitcase [T/W] 9 yr old boy found dead after stepmother locks him in a suitcase Reviewed by E Y on 17:01 Rating: 5

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